Items We Donate

Community Service VP: Sara Fiebiger

While the majority of our donations are hats, we will find a home for anything!

Chemo Caps

Baby Hats

Baby Sweaters


Pet Squares


Hats for Kids

Chemo Caps Baby Hats Baby Sweaters Scarves Pet Squares Blankets Hats for Kids

Chemo Caps

Soft yarn is knit into comfortable hats that are lightweight, fun to knit and wear plus quick to make!

Baby Hats

Our area hospitals are eager to receive hats for newborns. There are never enough hats to meet the need.

DO use acrylic, machine washable yarn in baby, sport, or DK

DON’T use wool for preemies — wool around oxygen can spark

  • a preemie cap should fit over an orange

  • a regular baby cap should fit over a grapefruit

Hats for Kids

Cute, colorful knitted caps from a variety of patterns are delivered each fall to various agencies to help warm hundreds of children each year.